Importance of geohazard maps recognized

The importance of geohazard maps is recognized by local government units and government agencies, said MGB-6 Regional Director Leo Van V. Juguan.It is worth noting that we have been busily presenting geohazards to a wide number of audiences since the start of the...

MGB-6 orients NIB-RIAC Region 6 on geohazards

MGB-6 orients the members of the Regional Intelligence Committee (RIC) -Region 6 during its expanded conference on April 18, 2012. RD Leo Van V. Juguan showed samples of geohazard maps in Region 6. He also recounted experiences of some local government units in coping...

MGB-6 presents geohazards to government info officers

MGB-6 continues its advocacy on greater awareness of geohazards to help prevent loss of lives when these natural events happen, particulalry landslides and flooding. Regional Director Leo Van V. Juguan informs audiences during two fora in line with the Women’s Month –...